The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion


Autocross Champion
So Cal
GTI Sport | Audi A3
Turners is not the cheapest of stores.

Turners used to have "sales". The price for my Glock was the best from them. I called a couple shops close to me and they didn't even want to price match. I did think about using an FFL...but my local shops charge $70. Whatever savings I can get buying out of the area would get wiped out with the FFL charge.


Autocross Champion
The Greater Boston Metropolitan Area
2019 Golf R
Our friends in the UK have told me there is more trouble on the horizon. This is what [they] are planning for all of us.
"The emergency Coronavirus Bill will be rushed through as LAW Today sees the 2nd reading, if passed it will immediately proceed to 3rd and on. And contains the most draconian powers ever proposed in peace-time Britain. This WILL BE rushed through Parliament.
Below are links to new emergency legislation being passed today in Parliament to strip us of our human/civil rights. Forced jabs, tests, body samples taken, you & kids removed from your homes by force & more
Coronavirus Bill (HC Bill 122) (
Coronavirus Bill: emergency Covid-19 legislation - House of Lords Library (
* Forced detention and isolation can be of anyone, including children, and for any amount of time. KIDNAPPING with no accountability * Authorities can FORCIBLY take biological samples from your body. Human rights rights REMOVED * There’s no clear access to legal rights from as-yet unidentified isolation facilities. Financial crisis or remedies DENIED * Powers last up to 2.5 years Lockdown powers could prevent protests against measures. DELIBERATELY included * State surveillance safeguards weakened. Track & Trace will be used as the equivalent of monitoring travel, and where ELECTRONIC TAG - Your mobile * Protections from forced detainment and treatment under Mental Health Act lowered. If you put up any belligerence or defensive, the establishment can SHUT YOU DOWN and a permanent record placed against you * Cremations can be enforced against personal and religious wishes. TO DENY EVIDENCE of murder by lethal injection for no medical reason * Changes to the Court system. The total REMOVAL of personal and civil rights, under Common Law * Registration of deaths, will state Covid * No inquests into suspicious deaths! DENYING challenges the BS of dying from an ear ache justifys death by lethal injection * No requirement for any medical certification for burials or cremations! FAST TRACK cover up It also indemnifies the Health Service should they fail for what ever reason to provide care. They can literally murder, with no investigation The most frightening part? * Only ONE medical 'officer' is required to sign off COMPULSORY TREATMENT ORDER which means... In the real world you can be forced to accept medication. Or held down and injected with whatever is seen fit THAT is the biggest and worst threat to your own freedoms Schedule 8 Pt1.** Local Authorities will now be exempted from compliance with their duties under The Care Act 2014. Schedule 11 The BBC wont be telling you that bit... So. If someone dies in police custody or any type of custody they can simply dispose of the body without any paperwork medical exam or certification or inquest."

Yeah, but does it allow 3 year olds to get sex change operations?


Autocross Champion
I'm not giving my opinion but a tremendous number of people believe life starts at conception.
Lots of people believe Q conspiracies too. Lots believe the world is flat.
Legislating based on one groups religious beliefs is a terrible idea and how you end up with countries like Iran or Saudi Arabia.

And I didn't say a zygote or a blastocyst wasn't alive, I said it isn't a baby. I've repeatedly explained that brain activity develops at 24 weeks, so I support bans of abortion after 20 weeks, unless mother"s life is in danger, then it should be a decision between her and doctor.

I respect people's religious beliefs and their right to choose not to have an abortion, but I will always opposes them forcing their religious beliefs on others.


Autocross Champion
Brookhaven pa
Black 2013 gti
Got my first Moderna shot today! 🙌



Autocross Champion
Things aren't looking good for Gaetz. The investigation started under Trump and aides are saying he sought a pardon from Trump.

His extortion story fell apart too.

I guess on the bright side, his girlfriend will be eligible to be vaccinated, they just opened Florida up to 16 and older.

Thank God we finally uncovered the elite pedophile ring.
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Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
Turners used to have "sales". The price for my Glock was the best from them. I called a couple shops close to me and they didn't even want to price match. I did think about using an FFL...but my local shops charge $70. Whatever savings I can get buying out of the area would get wiped out with the FFL charge.
$70 is a lot. I was never charged more than 35.