The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
Once again, real whistleblowers and journalists are being silenced. They don't get TV deals on 60 Minutes.

I can't play the video for some reason, but I'd be interested to see what the warrants say. Was there a reason behind the raids? Stuff like this really bothers me because its a clear violation of civil liberties, but nothing will happen. If it was Mother Jones journalists you could be sure that the ACLU would have already issued a statement and taken steps to file suit.


Drag Racing Champion
I don't disagree with any of that. But the notion that stimulus in 2020 is to blame for the huge inflation we're seeing right now across the entire globe is just silly. I was merely citing that this is a global issue caused by global supply chain issues.
Exactly - and same goes for oil prices that are mostly set my OPEC (now called OPEC +). Since it doesn't fit into their "Let's Go Brandon" mindset, and doesn't prove Joe Biden is responsible for everything wrong (although 30% of Republicans still think Trump is still secretly in charge of the country)... they don't want to hear it. When Trump was in office, nothing was his fault. When a Democrat is in office, everything is the Democrat's fault.

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Exactly - and same goes for oil prices that are mostly set my OPEC (now called OPEC +). Since it doesn't fit into their "Let's Go Brandon" mindset, and doesn't prove Joe Biden is responsible for everything wrong (although 30% of Republicans still think Trump is still secretly in charge of the country)... they don't want to hear it. When Trump was in office, nothing was his fault. When a Democrat is in office, everything is the Democrat's fault.
Yep, still a fucking moron.


Autocross Champion
Exactly - and same goes for oil prices that are mostly set my OPEC (now called OPEC +). Since it doesn't fit into their "Let's Go Brandon" mindset, and doesn't prove Joe Biden is responsible for everything wrong (although 30% of Republicans still think Trump is still secretly in charge of the country)... they don't want to hear it. When Trump was in office, nothing was his fault. When a Democrat is in office, everything is the Democrat's fault.
We've been over this. Your OPEC doesn't set prices, prices are set by market demand. OPEC was established for countries who rely on petroleum exports and don't have diverse GDPs. They combine their commodities to level the playing field, otherwise larger countries that produce more oil than individual OPEC nations could pull a Wal-Mart and sell below market value to squeeze them out of business. Get it?


Drag Racing Champion
I know I'm being a little pendantic, but the FED doesn't print money. They order additional currency, usually by purchasing debt. The treasury prints notes to guarantee payment on the debt purchased by the FED.

Since this is the official GTI conspiracy thread, how's this for one - only twice have US Presidents authorized the printing United States Notes (dollars that do not represent US debt). Federal Reserve notes represent dollars in debt. Anyway, the two Presidents that authorized those notes were Lincoln and Kennedy. Take from that what you will.
While you're being pedantic... the Treasury actually issues debt in the form of Bonds and Bills. Many of the bonds are bought on the open market both privately in the USA, and overseas, by countries like China that have massive trade deficits with the US and use their money to buy US debt, rather than US goods. The Fed, which attempts to control inflation, buys US Treasury issued debt in whatever manner they see fit... if they need more money to buy more debt, then the Treasury prints more currency. It's a rather symbiotic relationship.


The Fixer
Exactly - and same goes for oil prices that are mostly set my OPEC (now called OPEC +). Since it doesn't fit into their "Let's Go Brandon" mindset, and doesn't prove Joe Biden is responsible for everything wrong (although 30% of Republicans still think Trump is still secretly in charge of the country)... they don't want to hear it. When Trump was in office, nothing was his fault. When a Democrat is in office, everything is the Democrat's fault.
You can't be serious. When Trump was in office, EVERYTHING was blamed on him. But if anything good happened, he had nothing to do with it. It was always Orange man bad. If it was raining outside and your dog ran away, Trump was to blame. The media demonized him at every turn.
Biden literally throws the country in a trash can, and the media is silent.


Autocross Champion
While you're being pedantic... the Treasury actually issues debt in the form of Bonds and Bills. Many of the bonds are bought on the open market both privately in the USA, and overseas, by countries like China that have massive trade deficits with the US and use their money to buy US debt, rather than US goods. The Fed, which attempts to control inflation, buys US Treasury issued debt in whatever manner they see fit... if they need more money to buy more debt, then the Treasury prints more currency. It's a rather symbiotic relationship.
You explained the same thing that I said, except in more words.


Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
Nice way to mix up and confuse the facts. Corona viruses that cause the flu, do not kill and hospitalize at the rate that COVID kills and hospitalizes. Also, after your recover from the flu, there's almost no threat of long-term symptoms. Not so with COVID... approx 32.7% of those infected with COVID suffer some type of long-haul symptoms.

Sounds like mr. mUh degrees never heard of flu complications.

Lmao, long-haul. You would know -- covid has been around for sooo long.


Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
I don't disagree with any of that. But the notion that stimulus in 2020 is to blame for the huge inflation we're seeing right now across the entire globe is just silly. I was merely citing that this is a global issue caused by global supply chain issues.

Where did the global supply chain problem come from?


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Slightly Outside Chicago
Mk6 racecar, Tacoma