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  1. C

    Favourite Movie Quotes

    "I kind of see this all love as this, escape for two people who don't know how to be alone. People always talk about how love is this totally unselfish, giving thing, but if you think about it, there's nothing more selfish." - Jesse in Before Sunrise
  2. C

    This may put a few points on the driver's license...

    How was he caught if he was able to go at 208mph? I'm sure police vehicles can't go that fast.
  3. C

    Favorite Movies/Apps/Shows/Music/Anything AKA "YO CHECK THIS OUT!" Thread.

    Check out Predestination with Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook
  4. C

    What's the most EFFED UP movie that you've seen?

    The Exorcist was definitely up there with the worst of them.