Someone hit my car


Ready to race!
Fort Worth, TX
FMLLLLLLLLLLL. Some one hit my car while park last night I just noticed it. its on the drivers door small dent with paint rubbed off. No note. Sighhh. In the 11 years driving I've never had to deal with this were do I start? police report? insurance? asking neighbors if they saw anything? all of the above?:mad:


Go Kart Champion
Sorry to hear, start with the insurance for sure, they will advice you on what to do next

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Go Kart Champion
There's literally nothing you can do. At least being a hit and run in the parking lot you ~might~ be able to claim it as a comprehensive claim instead of collision. Claim it was vandalism and not another car hitting you. Depends on insurance.

When a snow plow took out my hood and grill I had to do it as a nonfault collision and eat my 250 deductible.

Also get used to everyone saying "it's just a car" and not "people are pieces of shit with no respect for other people's cars".


Drag Race Newbie
You can report it to the police but nothing will happen. I had a same incident where I walked out on morning and saw my car facing towards the house. It had the snowed that night and some asshole slid into my parked car and took off. Luckily, was just my beater and only needed a door.


Ready to race!
I've had this happen to me a few times over the years. Your insurance will take care of it but you might be stuck paying the deductible.
Is the paint broken? If not, you can have a paintless dent guy fix it. Those guys are amazing.


Go Kart Newbie
San Diego
I've had same thing and it was cheaper for me to just buy a dent remover and polish the area and looks 90% better.


Passed Driver's Ed
Woodstock, GA
Small dent w/a little bit of paint transfer that was rubbed off....A police report will almost certainly not be necessary. Not only has this happened to both my wife and I in separate vehicles, but I had the opportunity of being a traffic investigator when I was a police officer. Being that no note was left, you are in all likelihood going to have to swallow the deductible. The good thing is, most insurance companies these days will not peg you with a rate hike for "hit and run" type accidents as it was completely out of your control and should be considered part of your comprehensive coverage. The same thing happened to us a few months back in Florida, where I have more cop friends than I'd like to admit. Not much to do without a culpable party. Either way, call the insurance company if it looks like its going to cost more than your deductible, but I'd get an estimate before I call anyone.


Ready to race!
Fort Worth, TX
Update the same mustang is parked in the same place checked out their door edge there is a paint chip the same size color and hieght. If their door were to open it would hit in the exact spot. Waiting on the police to file a report and get persons info since my aparment manager legally cant.


Passed Driver's Ed
Woodstock, GA
Also the mustang is brand new with no other scratches parked over the white in on my side. Well see if the cop agrees.

Hopefully you can get them to admit to opening the door on your car.


Go Kart Champion
Well that sucks,pigs are going to say it's a insurance claim and there's nothing that they can do


Ready to race!
Fort Worth, TX
Well that sucks,pigs are going to say it's a insurance claim and there's nothing that they can do

Yeah but i'm hoping they get me in contact with the mustang owner that way i don't have to pay the deductible or it doesn't increase my insurance due to a "hit and run" and yeah it would suck to pay a 500 deductible out of pocket but its all about the integrity i could never do that to anyone's car no matter what they drive.


Go Kart Champion
Realistically, the cops don't care and won't do anything. All you can do is key it and get back to your normal life and park elsewhere. (s)he's going to hit you again guaranteed.

E: just in case you thought I was serious about keying it. Don't do that. There are better ways to get back at assholes.
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Drag Race Newbie
North Yorkshire
VW Golf
This kind of thing really annoys me. It's why I can't stand those 'Police, Camera Kerpash' TV progs where idiots turn the streets into 'Police Chase' demolition derby circuits and zoom around at high speed often ramming cop cars and using poor dudes parked cars as armco barriers. When, if, caught next to nothing happens to them, yet in the morning folk will probably wonder how their cars got biffed....